Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Implementing literary videogames to promote EFL inference reading skills. 

      Castillo Ramírez, Julián Camilo (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2023)
      The use of English in Colombia has been increasing as part of the globalization process of the language, and the demands that are growing in several fields. The “Programa Nacional de Bilinguismo” discusses the importance ...
    • L’apprentissage par le jeu pour le développement de l'expression orale. 

      López Gil, Yuly Andrea (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2024)
      Cette étude de recherche action - participative a pour but identifier l’influence de l’apprentissage par le jeu sur le développement de l'expression orale en FLE chez les élèves du cours préparatoire à l’école Integrada ...
    • Promoting oral interaction through tabletop role playing games. 

      Pulgarin Alfonso, Francy Viviana (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2022)
      Fostering spoken communication in a foreign language classroom is not an easy task since meaningful oral exchanges require a real reason that justifies interaction. By means of document analysis, the problem was identified, ...