La sistematización, una experiencia para la reflexión en la formación de profesores de educación física.
Martínez, Nelly Teresa
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La preocupación permanente por aportar a la reflexión sobre la práctica educativa del estudiantey del licenciado en educación física, constituye el motivo principal para registrar en este ensayo,algunas de las elaboraciones producidas en la experiencia de sistematización realizada en el área deformación pedagógica y didáctica, con el grupo de estudiantes que cursaba el cuarto semestre delciclo de fundamentación; en el marco del Proyecto Curricular de Licenciatura enEducación Física,que se viene implementando desde el primer semestre de 2002
The permanent concern to contribute to the reflection on the student's educational practice and ofthe graduate in physical education, constitutes the main reason to record in this essay, some of theelaborations produced in the systematization experience carried out in the pedagogic and didacticformation area, with the group of students that studied the fourth semester of the basic cycle; within the frame of the Physical Education Degree Curricular Project that is being implementedfrom the first semester of 2002.
The purpose of this text is to outline that systematization, assumed as an research-based formationprocess, can be considered as a method for the reflection on die development of a curricular projectacademic spaces and, at the same time, to encourage the teacher and the students to exercisecreativity,imagination, logical thought and, mainly, the capacity to relate, integrate and arrange. The processcan be made concrete in five phases or moments that occur sequentially and/or simultaneouslyfollowinga dynamics that ends, for now,with the production of this writing. Such phases or momentshave to deal with: the construction and visualization of the pro cess; the concretion of ideas orposition of a proposal; the application or transformation of the ideas in acts; the understanding andappropriation of the systematization experience; and the assessment and spreading out.
Editorial Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
- Lúdica Pedagógica [457]