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dc.contributor.authorSerra, María Silviaspa
dc.description.abstractIn the configuration of the school practices we can recognize a series of clear-cut visual features that not only delimit a particular relation between seeing and knowing, but also grant certain privileges to the sense of sight above other sensitive perceptions. These features are part of the aestheti-cizing function of the Argentine educational system whose education of the senses was a concern that combined a regime of truth, related to knowledge, with the production of specific sensitivities in which truth, beauty and morality were part of the same operation.eng
dc.publisherEditorial Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.sourceRevista Colombiana de Educación; Núm. 63 (2012): Educación, Subjetividad y Estética (jul-dic); 19.31spa
dc.subjectSistema educativo argentinospa
dc.subjectRégimen visualspa
dc.subjectEducación de los sentidosspa
dc.titleEducación, estética y régimen visual en la configuración del sistema educativo
dc.subject.keywordsArgentine educational systemeng
dc.subject.keywordsVisual regimeeng
dc.subject.keywordsSense educationeng
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dc.relation.referencesMandoki, K. (2006a). Estética cotidiana y juegos de la cultura. Prosaica I. México: Siglo XXI
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dc.type.localArtículo de revistaspa
dc.description.abstractenglishIn the configuration of the school practices we can recognize a series of clear-cut visual features that not only delimit a particular relation between seeing and knowing, but also grant certain privileges to the sense of sight above other sensitive perceptions. These features are part of the aestheti-cizing function of the Argentine educational system whose education of the senses was a concern that combined a regime of truth, related to knowledge, with the production of specific sensitivities in which truth, beauty and morality were part of the same operation.eng
dc.rights.creativecommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

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