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dc.contributor.authorGómez R., Luis Fernandospa
dc.description.abstractEn la actualidad, Toni Morrison, ganadora del premio Nóbel (1993), ha sido reconocida como una de las novelistas más prominentes de los Estados Unidos. Sus novelas Canción de Salomón y Sula gozan de poseer una enorme creatividad literaria a través de la cual presenta lo que significa sobrevivir como un miembro de las familias de raza negra en Norteamérica. Por ello, este artículo explora las vulnerabilidades de niños que crecen dentro de familias disfuncionales y de cómo sufren afectivamente a causa de las acciones y comportamientos poco convencionales de sus padres. El artículo discute las experiencias irregulares que los personajes principales de estas dos novelas tienen que enfrentar en hogares hostiles a medida que crecen diferentes a otros niños, carentes de la orientación educativa esencial que los prepare para la vida adulta. Los menores de edad son obligados a asumir roles anormales dentro de sus familias yen consecuencia se convierten en miembros disfuncionales de la
dc.publisherEditorial Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.sourceFolios; Núm. 29 (2009): ene-jun; 119.127spa
dc.sourceRevista Folios; No 29 (2009): ene-jun; 119.127spa
dc.subjectFamilia disfuncionalspa
dc.subjectViolencia intrafamiliarspa
dc.subjectProblemas de personalidadspa
dc.subjectComportamiento anormalspa
dc.subjectExperiencia traumáticaspa
dc.subjectNiñez marginadaspa
dc.subjectDecapitación simbólicaspa
dc.titleDysfunctional families : one central theme in two fictional works of Tony Morrison, Song of Solomon and
dc.subject.keywordsDysfunctional familieseng
dc.subject.keywordsDomestic violenceeng
dc.subject.keywordsPersonality disordereng
dc.subject.keywordsAbnormal behavioreng
dc.subject.keywordsTraumatic experienceeng
dc.subject.keywordsMarginalized childhoodeng
dc.subject.keywordsSymbolic decapitationeng
dc.relation.referencesBUZAWA, Eve (2003) Domestic Violence: The Criminal Justice Response. SAGE Publications. California.
dc.relation.referencesBOYD, A. George (1992). When You Grow Up in a Dysfunctional Family. Electronic publication:
dc.relation.referencesMATTHEWS, Wayne (1993). “Dysfunctional Families: The Problem behind the Problem.” North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. North Carolina State University. Electronic publication number FCS4104.
dc.relation.referencesSTORHOFF, Gary (1997). “‘Anaconda Love’: Parental Enmeshment in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon” in Style, summer, Vol. 31, issue 2.
dc.relation.referencesTHOMPSON, Carlyle (2003). “‘Circles and Circles of Sorrow:’ Decapitation in Tony Morrison’s Sula” in CLA Journal. A Quarterly Official Publication of the College Language Association. Vol. XLVII, No. 2.
dc.relation.referencesWAUGH, Patricia (2006) Literary Theory and Criticism. An Oxford Guide. Oxford University Press.
dc.relation.referencesUnderstanding Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns in Your Family brochures/dysfunct.htm
dc.type.localArtículo de revistaspa
dc.title.translatedFamilias disfuncionales : un tema central en dos novelas de Toni Morrison, Canción de Salomón y Sula.eng
dc.description.abstractenglishToni Morrison, Nobel Prize winner (1993), has been recognized as one of the most prominent novelists in the USA today. Her novels Song of Solomon and Sula rank enormous and original literary creativity through which she shows what it means to survive as an individual in the black families of America. Hence, this article explores the desperation and vulnerabilities of children who grow up in dysfunctional families and how they experience trauma and pain from their parents’ unconventional actions and behaviors. The article accounts of the irregular experiences that the main characters of these two novels have to confront at hostile homes as they grow up changed, different from other children, and lack the essential educational guidance that prepare them for adulthood. Children are forced to assume unnatural roles within their families and, consequently, become dysfunctional members of society.eng
dc.rights.creativecommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

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