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dc.contributor.advisorGuacaneme Suárez, Edgar Albertospa
dc.contributor.authorMorales Rozo, Nataliaspa
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación tiene como propósito analizar algunos referentes teóricos sobre la Filosofía de las Matemáticas (FM) y el conocimiento del profesor de Matemáticas (CPM), con el fin de presentar evidencias de la articulación e integración de la FM en los modelos del CPM en función del quehacer docente, particularmente el sugerido por Stacey (2008). Por lo anterior, se sistematizan y describen los planteamientos de algunas fuentes bibliográficas referentes a la FM y a los modelos del CPM con la intención de aportar información sobre la relación que hay entre la Didáctica de las Matemáticas (DM), la FM, y el
dc.publisherUniversidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.subjectConocimiento del profesor de matemáticasspa
dc.titleLa filosofía de las Matemáticas en el conocimiento del profesor de Matemá
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Docencia de la Matemáticaspa
dc.rights.accessAcceso abiertospa
dc.relation.referencesAghadiuno, M. C. K. (1992). Mathematics: History, Philosophy and Applications to Science. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23(5), 683–690. doi:10.1080/0020739920230506
dc.relation.referencesArmendáriz, M., Azcárate, C., & Deulofeu, J. (1993). Didáctica de las Matemáticas y Psicología. Revista Infancia y Aprendizaje, 62–63, 77–99.
dc.relation.referencesBarbin, E. (2008). Dialogism in Mathematical Writing: Historical, Philosophical and Pedagogica, Issues. In The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME 11. Ciudad de México.
dc.relation.referencesBkouche, R. (1997). Epistémologie, Histoire et Enseignement des Mathématiques. For the Learning of Mathematics, 17(1), 34–42
dc.relation.referencesBoden, M. A. (1994). What is Creativity? In Boden (ed.) Dimensions of Creativity. London: MIT.
dc.relation.referencesBrousseau, G. (1986) Fondements et méthodes de la didactique des mathématiques. Recherches en Didactique des mathématiques. 7 (2), 33-115.
dc.relation.referencesBrown, G. (1991). Integrating the History and Philosophy of Math into Core Curriculum Math Courses from a Cultural and Humanistic Viewpoint. For the Learning of Mathematics, 11(2), 13–14.
dc.relation.referencesChassapis, D. (2007). Integrating the Philosophy of Mathematics in Teacher Training Courses. En K. François, & J. V. Bendegem, Philosophical Dimensions in Mathematics Education (págs. 61- 79). New York: Springer.
dc.relation.referencesChevallard, Y. (1985) La transposition didactique, du savoir savant au savoir enseigné. Grenoble: la Penseé Sauvage.
dc.relation.referencesColyvan, M. (2011). An introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics. Australia: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139033107.
dc.relation.referencesCooney, T. J. y Wiegel, H. G. (2003). Examining the mathematics in mathematics teacher education. En, A. J. Bishop, M. A. Clements, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick y F. K. S. Leung (eds.), Second International Handbook of Mathematics Education (pp. 795-828). Dordrech: Kluwer A. P.
dc.relation.referencesD´Amore, B. (1999) Il ruolo essenziale ed insostituibile delle didattiche disciplinari nella costruzione della conoscenza nell´educazione. Pitagora Notizie. 4 (2).
dc.relation.referencesda Ponte, J. P. (2012). Estudando o conhecimento e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de matemática. En N. Planas (Ed.), Teoría, critica y práctica de la educación matemática (pp. 83- 98). Barcelona: Graó.
dc.relation.referencesDeVidi, D., Hallett, M., & Clark, P. (2011). Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy: Vintage enthusiasmsessays in honour of John L. Bell. Springer.
dc.relation.referencesElbaz, F. (1983) Teacher thinking. A study of practical knowledge. London: Crom Helm.
dc.relation.referencesErnest, P. (1991). The Philosophy of Mathematics Education. Great Britain: The Falmer Press.
dc.relation.referencesFennema, E. & Franke, L. M. (1992). Teachers’ knowledge and its impact. In D. A. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 147–164). New York, NY: Macmillan.
dc.relation.referencesFrançois, K., & Bendegem, J. (2007). Philosophical dimensions in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer.
dc.relation.referencesFriend, M. (2007). Introducing Philosophy of Mathematics.
dc.relation.referencesGascón, J. (1998). Evolución de la Didáctica de las Matemáticas como Disciplina Científica. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 18/1(52), 7 – 33.
dc.relation.referencesGodino, J. (1991). Hacia una teoría de la Didáctica de la Matemática. In A. Gutierrez (Ed.) Área de conocimiento: Didáctica de la Matemática (pp. 105–148). Madrid: Síntesis
dc.relation.referencesGodino, J. (2009). Presente y Futuro de la Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas. Educação Matemática (19).
dc.relation.referencesHanna, G., Niels, H., & Pulte, H. (2010). Explanation and proof in Mathematics. Philosophical and educational perspectives. New York: Springer.
dc.relation.referencesHellman, G. (1989). Mathematics without numbers: Towards a modal-structural interpretation. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
dc.relation.referencesHigginson, W. (1980). On the foundations of mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics 1(2), 3-7.
dc.relation.referencesHill, H. C., Ball, D. L. & Schilling, S. G. (2008). Unpacking Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Conceptualizing and Measuring Teachers’ Topic-Specific Knowledge of Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 39(4), 372-400.
dc.relation.referencesJankvist, U. T., & Iversen, S. M. (2014). “Whys” and “Hows” of Using Philosophy in Mathematics Education. Science & Education, 23(1), 205–222. doi:10.1007/s11191-013-9616-3.
dc.relation.referencesLave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
dc.relation.referencesLerman, S. (2000). The social turn in mathematics education research. En J. Boaler, Multiple perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning (págs. 19-44). Westport: Ablex Publishing.
dc.relation.referencesMancosu, P. (2008). The Philosophy of mathematical practice.
dc.relation.referencesMiles, M., & Huberman, M. (1994) An Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis. SAGE Publications.
dc.relation.referencesPeirce, C. S. (2010). Philosophy of Mathematics. Indiana University Press.
dc.relation.referencesPinto, M. (1989). Introducción al análisis documental y sus niveles: El análisis de contenido. Anabad. XXXIX, 2.
dc.relation.referencesRowland, T., Huckstep, P. & Thwaites, A. (2005). Elementary teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge: The knowledge quartet and the case of Naomi. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 8(3), 255–281. doi:10.1007/s10857-005-0853-5.
dc.relation.referencesRuiz, Á. (1987). Algunas implicaciones de la Filosofía y la Historia de las Matemáticas en su enseñanza. Revista de Educación, 11, 7–19.
dc.relation.referencesRuiz, Á. (2003). Historia y Filosofía de las Matemáticas.
dc.relation.referencesRussell, B. (1919). Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. London: George Allen and Unwin.
dc.relation.referencesSánchez, M. (2011). A review of research trends in mathematics teacher education. PNA, 5(4), 129- 145.
dc.relation.referencesSfard, A. (1991). On the dual nature of mathematical conceptions: reflections on processes and objects as different sides of the same coin. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 22, 1–36.
dc.relation.referencesShulman, L. S. (1986). Those Who Understand: Knowledge growth in Teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4-14. doi: 10.3102/0013189X015002004.
dc.relation.referencesSierpinska, A., & Lerman, S. (1996). Epistemologies of Mathematics and of Mathematics Education. En A. Bishop, & M. Clements, International Handbook of Mathematics Education (págs. 827- 876). Springer.
dc.relation.referencesSotos, M. (1993). Didáctica de las Matemáticas. Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, 173-192.
dc.relation.referencesStacey, K. (2008). Mathematics for secondary teaching. Four components of discipline knowledge for a changing teacher workforce. In P. Sullivan & T. Wood (Eds.) The international handbook of mathematics teacher education. Knowledge and beliefs in mathematics teaching and teaching development (pp. 87–113). Sense Publishers.
dc.relation.referencesSteinbring, H. (1991), The Concept of Chance in Everyday Teaching: Aspects of a Social Epistemology of Mathematical Knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics 22, 503-522.
dc.relation.referencesSteiner (1987) Philosophical and epistemological aspects of mathematics and their interaction with theory and practice in mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics. 7(1). pp. 7- 13.
dc.relation.referencesValero, P. (2012). La educación matemática como una red de prácticas sociales. En P. Valero, O. Skovmose (eds). Educación Matemática Crítica. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 299-327.
dc.relation.referencesZalamea, F. (2009). Filosofía sintética de las Matemáticas contemporáneas.
dc.relation.referencesAghadiuno, M. C. K. (1992). Mathematics: History, Philosophy and Applications to Science. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23(5), 683–690. doi:10.1080/0020739920230506
dc.relation.referencesArmendáriz, M., Azcárate, C., & Deulofeu, J. (1993). Didáctica de las Matemáticas y Psicología. Revista Infancia y Aprendizaje, 62–63, 77–99.
dc.relation.referencesBarbin, E. (2008). Dialogism in Mathematical Writing: Historical, Philosophical and Pedagogica, Issues. In The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME 11. Ciudad de México.
dc.relation.referencesBkouche, R. (1997). Epistémologie, Histoire et Enseignement des Mathématiques. For the Learning of Mathematics, 17(1), 34–42.
dc.relation.referencesBoden, M. A. (1994). What is Creativity? In Boden (ed.) Dimensions of Creativity. London: MIT.
dc.relation.referencesBrousseau, G. (1986) Fondements et méthodes de la didactique des mathématiques. Recherches en Didactique des mathématiques. 7 (2), 33-115.
dc.relation.referencesBrown, G. (1991). Integrating the History and Philosophy of Math into Core Curriculum Math Courses from a Cultural and Humanistic Viewpoint. For the Learning of Mathematics, 11(2), 13–14.
dc.relation.referencesChassapis, D. (2007). Integrating the Philosophy of Mathematics in Teacher Training Courses. En K. François, & J. V. Bendegem, Philosophical Dimensions in Mathematics Education (págs. 61- 79). New York: Springer.
dc.relation.referencesChevallard, Y. (1985) La transposition didactique, du savoir savant au savoir enseigné. Grenoble: la Penseé Sauvage.
dc.relation.referencesColyvan, M. (2011). An introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics. Australia: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139033107.
dc.relation.referencesCooney, T. J. y Wiegel, H. G. (2003). Examining the mathematics in mathematics teacher education. En, A. J. Bishop, M. A. Clements, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick y F. K. S. Leung (eds.), Second International Handbook of Mathematics Education (pp. 795-828). Dordrech: Kluwer A. P.
dc.relation.referencesD´Amore, B. (1999) Il ruolo essenziale ed insostituibile delle didattiche disciplinari nella costruzione della conoscenza nell´educazione. Pitagora Notizie. 4 (2).
dc.relation.referencesda Ponte, J. P. (2012). Estudando o conhecimento e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de matemática. En N. Planas (Ed.), Teoría, critica y práctica de la educación matemática (pp. 83- 98). Barcelona: Graó.
dc.relation.referencesDeVidi, D., Hallett, M., & Clark, P. (2011). Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy: Vintage enthusiasmsessays in honour of John L. Bell. Springer.
dc.relation.referencesElbaz, F. (1983) Teacher thinking. A study of practical knowledge. London: Crom Helm.Elbaz, F. (1983) Teacher thinking. A study of practical knowledge. London: Crom Helm.
dc.relation.referencesErnest, P. (1991). The Philosophy of Mathematics Education. Great Britain: The Falmer Press.
dc.relation.referencesFennema, E. & Franke, L. M. (1992). Teachers’ knowledge and its impact. In D. A. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 147–164). New York, NY: Macmillan.
dc.relation.referencesFrançois, K., & Bendegem, J. (2007). Philosophical dimensions in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer.
dc.relation.referencesFriend, M. (2007). Introducing Philosophy of Mathematics.
dc.relation.referencesGascón, J. (1998). Evolución de la Didáctica de las Matemáticas como Disciplina Científica. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 18/1(52), 7 – 33.
dc.relation.referencesGodino, J. (1991). Hacia una teoría de la Didáctica de la Matemática. In A. Gutierrez (Ed.) Área de conocimiento: Didáctica de la Matemática (pp. 105–148). Madrid: Síntesis.
dc.relation.referencesGodino, J. (2009). Presente y Futuro de la Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas. Educação Matemática (19).
dc.relation.referencesHanna, G., Niels, H., & Pulte, H. (2010). Explanation and proof in Mathematics. Philosophical and educational perspectives. New York: Springer.
dc.relation.referencesHellman, G. (1989). Mathematics without numbers: Towards a modal-structural interpretation. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
dc.relation.referencesHigginson, W. (1980). On the foundations of mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics 1(2), 3-7.
dc.relation.referencesHill, H. C., Ball, D. L. & Schilling, S. G. (2008). Unpacking Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Conceptualizing and Measuring Teachers’ Topic-Specific Knowledge of Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 39(4), 372-400.
dc.relation.referencesJankvist, U. T., & Iversen, S. M. (2014). “Whys” and “Hows” of Using Philosophy in Mathematics Education. Science & Education, 23(1), 205–222. doi:10.1007/s11191-013-9616-3.
dc.relation.referencesLave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
dc.relation.referencesLerman, S. (2000). The social turn in mathematics education research. En J. Boaler, Multiple perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning (págs. 19-44). Westport: Ablex Publishing.
dc.relation.referencesMancosu, P. (2008). The Philosophy of mathematical practice
dc.relation.referencesMiles, M., & Huberman, M. (1994) An Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis. SAGE Publications.
dc.relation.referencesPeirce, C. S. (2010). Philosophy of Mathematics. Indiana University Press.
dc.relation.referencesPinto, M. (1989). Introducción al análisis documental y sus niveles: El análisis de contenido. Anabad. XXXIX, 2.
dc.relation.referencesRowland, T., Huckstep, P. & Thwaites, A. (2005). Elementary teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge: The knowledge quartet and the case of Naomi. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 8(3), 255–281. doi:10.1007/s10857-005-0853-5.
dc.relation.referencesRuiz, Á. (1987). Algunas implicaciones de la Filosofía y la Historia de las Matemáticas en su enseñanza. Revista de Educación, 11, 7–19.
dc.relation.referencesRuiz, Á. (2003). Historia y Filosofía de las Matemáticas.
dc.relation.referencesRussell, B. (1919). Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. London: George Allen and Unwin.
dc.relation.referencesSánchez, M. (2011). A review of research trends in mathematics teacher education. PNA, 5(4), 129- 145. Sfard, A. (1991).
dc.relation.referencesSfard, A. (1991). On the dual nature of mathematical conceptions: reflections on processes and objects as different sides of the same coin. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 22, 1–36.
dc.relation.referencesShapiro, S. (2005). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford University Press.
dc.relation.referencesShulman, L. S. (1986). Those Who Understand: Knowledge growth in Teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4-14. doi: 10.3102/0013189X015002004.
dc.relation.referencesSierpinska, A., & Lerman, S. (1996). Epistemologies of Mathematics and of Mathematics Education. En A. Bishop, & M. Clements, International Handbook of Mathematics Education (págs. 827- 876). Springer.
dc.relation.referencesSotos, M. (1993). Didáctica de las Matemáticas. Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, 173-192.
dc.relation.referencesStacey, K. (2008). Mathematics for secondary teaching. Four components of discipline knowledge for a changing teacher workforce. In P. Sullivan & T. Wood (Eds.) The international handbook of mathematics teacher education. Knowledge and beliefs in mathematics teaching and teaching development (pp. 87–113). Sense Publishers.
dc.relation.referencesSteinbring, H. (1991), The Concept of Chance in Everyday Teaching: Aspects of a Social Epistemology of Mathematical Knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics 22, 503-522.
dc.relation.referencesSteiner (1987) Philosophical and epistemological aspects of mathematics and their interaction with theory and practice in mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics. 7(1). pp. 7- 13.
dc.relation.referencesValero, P. (2012). La educación matemática como una red de prácticas sociales. En P. Valero, O. Skovmose (eds). Educación Matemática Crítica. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 299-327.
dc.relation.referencesZalamea, F. (2009). Filosofía sintética de las Matemáticas contemporáneas.
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencia y Tecnologíaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Maestríaspa
dc.description.degreenameMagister en Docencia de la Matemáticaspa
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.identifier.reponamereponame: Repositorio Institucional UPNspa
dc.subject.lembFilosofía de las matemáticasspa
dc.subject.lembConocimiento - Docentespa
dc.subject.lembDidáctica de las matemáticasspa
dc.subject.lembAnálisis documentalspa
dc.rights.creativecommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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