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dc.contributor.advisorMontaño Moreno, Johannaspa
dc.contributor.authorGoyeneche Orozco, Paula Nathaliaspa
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.description.sponsorshipIED Liceo Femenino Mercedes Nariñospa
dc.publisherUniversidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.subjectInvestigación socialspa
dc.subjectHabilidades escritasspa
dc.subjectInteracción en el aulaspa
dc.titlePromoting EFL Writing Skills and Classroom Interaction through Social Inquiryspa
dc.publisher.programLicenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjerasspa
dc.subject.keywordsSocial inquiryeng
dc.subject.keywordsWriting skillseng
dc.subject.keywordsClassroom interactioneng
dc.rights.accessAcceso abiertospa
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dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Humanidadesspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía – Pregradospa
dc.description.degreenameLicenciado en Español y Lenguas Extranjerasspa
dc.description.degreelevelTesis de pregradospa
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad Pedagógica Nacionalspa
dc.identifier.reponamereponame: Repositorio Institucional UPNspa
dc.description.abstractenglishThe present proposal aims at describing the way in which EFL students’ reflections on their local problems influence the classroom interaction when using a social inquiry project, and how those reflections shape their writing skills. This study was carried out in a public school of Bogotá with eighth grader students and relies under the principles of social inquiry-based learning. The idea of implementing this research methodology has to do with the need of looking beyond the traditional strategies and rather recognize and understand how students are active learners who negotiate their interests and needs and contribute their own learning processes. And on the other hand, that students are capable of carrying out processes of inquiry on their own, thinking about the near contexts that day by day are affecting them. These processes enable students to think critically and to propose alternatives and solutions throughout reflections on the reality that surrounds them, shaping at the same time their writing skills and influencing classroom interaction.eng
dc.rights.creativecommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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